At our core, we are dedicated to our clients' needs with integrity, hard work, and collaboration.

At the core of our team lies an uncompromising dedication to the needs of our clients.

Our extensive experience, spanning across diverse client sizes and geographies, gives us a unique perspective that resonates with the local nuances of wealth management.

Our achievements are not just a reflection of our capabilities, but also a testament to our values. We have a legacy of working tirelessly, implementing strategic and modern technological solutions to tailor our services impeccably to each client’s requirements. We understand that the financial landscape continuously evolves, and our team is equipped with the foresight and innovation to not only keep pace but to set new benchmarks.

We do not merely adapt; we lead with a vision that transcends the status quo, ensuring that our clients experience unparalleled service that aligns with their aspirations. Each victory, each breakthrough is a result of our united ethos that champions advancement, client partnership, and a shared objective of delivering superior value.

Our team

The drive to elevate every aspect of wealth management is encoded in our team's DNA; it is this drive that distinguishes our work and cements our trust with those we serve. We don't just manage wealth - we enrich lives, yours and the communities around us, forging a lasting legacy of prosperity and trust.

Taylor Heininger

LinkedIn Profile

Kory Lackey

Managing Director
LinkedIn Profile

Sean Sternbach

Chief Investment Officer
LinkedIn Profile

Hart Williams

Chief Executive Officer
LinkedIn Profile

Leadership Principles Guiding Client Experience

Cloud Capital is built on a bedrock of leadership principles that place you at the forefront:

Client Experience Above All

Your satisfaction is the catalyst for every decision we make.

growth with value

We seek partnerships that provide mutual benefits enhancing long-term growth.

Hire and Develop the Best Diverse Talent

By bringing on-board professionals from various backgrounds, we uncover new opportunities for our clients.  Leaders raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion. They recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization. Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching others.

Sensible Spending

We focus on offering value through our unique services, avoiding superfluous expenses.

innovate culture

New ideas are always encouraged as our industry evolves, so we must evolve with it.  Leaders are never done learning and always seek to improve themselves. They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them.

Technological Leverage

Our team harnesses new technologies to enhance our services and your experience.

Balanced Work-Life Integration

All team members are supported in achieving a comfortable work-life balance.

Insist on the Highest Standards

We are steadfast in facing challenges, with hard work and dedication as our touchstones for success.

Build Community

We believe that giving back, paying it forward and supporting the communities in our ecosystems, withoth the expectation of anything in return,  pays dividends for everyone in the long-run.

Earn Trust

Leaders listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat others respectfully. They are vocally self-critical, even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing. Leaders do not believe their or their team’s body odor smells of perfume. They benchmark themselves and their teams against the best.
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